As all know the result of class XII CBSE has been declared on 28 May 2012. Most of the students are satisfied with their results but some students who are not satisfied with their results, CBSE has provided them an opportunity of verification of subject wise marks. One can apply for verification Online or Offline.
The verification will be restricted to checking whether all the answer's have been evaluated and that therehas been no mistake in the totalling of marks for each question in that subject and that the markshave been transferred correctly on the title page of the answer book and to the award list and whether the supplementary answer book(s) attached with the answer book mentioned by the candidate are intact. No revaluation of the answer book or supplementary answer book(s) shall be done.
The answer sheets of the candidate will not be reevaluated.
The marks can move both ways upward, or downward i.e. Marks may increased or decreased as per the actual marks obtained in the answer sheet.
Candidate can apply for the verification with in 21 days from the date of the declaration of
results in case of main examination and within 15 days in case of compartment examination.
Verification fees is Rs.200/- per subject
Urgent verification fees Rs. 300, within first 5 days from the date of declaration of result.
Demand Draft/IPO should be in favour of Secretary CBSE, payable at concerned Regional Office’s city.
For more details go to CBSE website -> public portal -> Online application for verification of marks
The verification will be restricted to checking whether all the answer's have been evaluated and that therehas been no mistake in the totalling of marks for each question in that subject and that the markshave been transferred correctly on the title page of the answer book and to the award list and whether the supplementary answer book(s) attached with the answer book mentioned by the candidate are intact. No revaluation of the answer book or supplementary answer book(s) shall be done.
The answer sheets of the candidate will not be reevaluated.
The marks can move both ways upward, or downward i.e. Marks may increased or decreased as per the actual marks obtained in the answer sheet.
Candidate can apply for the verification with in 21 days from the date of the declaration of
results in case of main examination and within 15 days in case of compartment examination.
Verification fees is Rs.200/- per subject
Urgent verification fees Rs. 300, within first 5 days from the date of declaration of result.
Demand Draft/IPO should be in favour of Secretary CBSE, payable at concerned Regional Office’s city.
For more details go to CBSE website -> public portal -> Online application for verification of marks